
Home Safety Tips for Aging Adults

Aging bodies can be more prone to injury, resulting in frequent hospital visits, unwanted surgery, and mobility constraints. Here are some safety tips and strategies to help reduce the risk of falls and other unwanted incidents at home:

  • Remove Any Falling Hazards at Home

    Many hazards present at home can increase the risk of falls for seniors. Notable examples include loose cables & wires, broken tiles or flooring, old furniture, and clutter. Addressing these concerns can improve fall prevention at home, improving safety & security for your elderly loved ones. We offer non-medical services, including homemaking, to help keep homes clean and remove any falling hazards.

  • Monitor Food Regularly

    Seniors are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses because aging bodies tend to have weaker immune systems. Monitoring food storage regularly to ensure they are all within their expiration date to avoid any complications during meal time. Also, make sure that food is stored appropriately at all times. In addition to meal preparation, we also offer companion services to aid your senior loved ones.

  • Replace the Batteries on Alarm Systems Regularly

    It can be challenging for seniors to monitor vital safety systems like smoke and fire alarms. To ensure that they are functioning at all times, family members should replace their batteries regularly.

We offer home health care in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to promote safety and security for seniors aging at home. For more information, call Devine Home Health Care Solutions at 918-829-1721.

Services you could expect from our home care agency in Oklahoma include skilled nursing, personal care, caregiver relief, and many more.

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