Communicating with senior loved ones can be hard, considering that their communication skills may have diminished. To better communicate with them in their current situations, here are tips you can follow.
- Determine if they need hearing aids
Old age can affect the ability of a person to hear properly. Your aging loved ones’ hearing may have already been affected. You have to find out if hearing aids will be helpful in their situation.
To do so, let them go for a hearing checkup. The doctor can examine their hearing conditions and identify whether it is appropriate for them to use hearing aids or not. The doctor can also tell you where to get these aids in case they become a necessity.
- Talk to them face-to-face
Whether you are discussing services providing Home Health Care in Tulsa, Oklahoma or talking about other things, make sure to talk to them face-to-face. Through this, you can check out their facial expressions as well as read their lips for further understanding.
Maintain eye contact with your loved ones when you are talking to them. Doing so shows your interest and focus on them.
- Get and maintain their attention
Many senior individuals, especially those receiving assistance from Skilled Nursing in Tulsa, Oklahoma for certain conditions, may have a hard time focusing on you. They easily get distracted which can result in poor communication.
Get their attention by calling out their names. Also, make sure that you lead them to a quiet room where you can talk to them. Limit noise and eliminate distractions.
- Speak clearly.
Speaking clearly will help your aging family members hear and understand you better. Enunciate every word properly to deliver your message clearly. Talk at a steady pace, making sure that such pace is good enough for them to follow. However, be sure not to sound condescending. Talking to them as if they are kids can hurt them.
- Avoid shouting.
Your aging loved ones deserve respect. Do not shout at them. Instead, keep your voice modulated. Make it loud enough to be heard but not too loud as if you are shouting.
- Listen to what your loved ones have to say
Listen using your heart. At times, there are things that they want to say to you but they just can’t express them. Allow them enough time to compose their thoughts. Let them finish their statements. Do not fill in their words to finish their statements for them.
At Devine Home Health Care Solutions, we make use of proper communication techniques to assist our clients in their homes. As a Home Care Agency in Oklahoma, we provide services beneficial to patients and their families. Contact us today!